04 享受服务(3 / 5)
n 按摩;v 按摩,用……揉擦;美化(事实)
air bath 空气浴
dicated bath 药水浴
ld bath 冷水浴
ilk bath 牛奶浴
tepid bath 温水浴
bre bath 盐水浴
hot bath 热水浴
open air bath 露天浴
full bath 周身浴
hip bath 坐浴
oil bath 油浴
r / sun bath 日光浴
ud bath 泥浴
stea / vapor bath 蒸汽浴
shower bath 淋浴
sand bath 沙浴
spa bathg 矿泉浴
acid bath 酸浴
suession bath 冷热交替浴
hot-sprg bath 温泉浴
skny-dippg 裸体游泳
turkish hath 土耳其浴,蒸汽浴(沐浴者通过几个温度逐渐升高的蒸汽室进行擦拭、按摩,然后再进行冷水淋浴。)
sauna 桑拿浴(也叫芬兰式蒸汽浴,是一种在将水浇到加热过的石块上产生的蒸汽中的沐浴。)
jane&039;s lleague sarah is sufferg fro the shoulder periarthritis jane puts forward a sugstion that sarah ay try the shoulder assa
sarah: oh, i&039;ve got a pa y shoulders
jane: you&039;d better have a break sittg ost of the day at a puter is not good for your health
sarah: i saw y doctor st week, and she said that i was sufferg fro the shoulder periarthritis
jane: oh, rry to hear that i thk not only you but al all of the office workers should pay ore attention to the health
sarah: yes, i have aches y shoulders and feel dizzy and sick after a by day
jane: too i&039;ve heard that the assa can relieve pa of the affected cles, and iprove blood circution
sarah: does it work?
jane: yes, of urse i had a assa st saturday it&039;s ite fortable a assee said that we should ata a fortable sittg position and when readg and writg we should avoid long ti sittg one position
sarah: that&039;s right i a anxio to try the assa, but i don&039;t have enough ti i feel